






Tried and tested comebacks for runners

What do you say to people when they say something non-supportive about your running activity? Before spouting off a list on this, it is important to remember two things:

1. When people vomit all over your awesomeness, by dashing your accomplishments, they are usually the one they are referring to. People usually project their own insecurities about something new or different on to someone else. So, take that into thought before punching them in the face. A little compassion goes a long way.

2. This being said, second one, don't tell people who aren't supportive. This goes for anything new you are doing. If you really want to do it, tell people who are your cheerleaders. When I started running, I called my dad when I did my first 2 miles... not my mom. Nope. Not her. She understands now, a little, and is more supportive, but I knew she would call me crazy when I started.

So, here are some tried and tested comebacks for those people. Caution: These may get snarky!

  • "I heard running running is bad on your knees" - Comeback with sarcasm: "I heard sitting on your ass makes you lose weight, and reach your goals and get healthy".

  • "I hate running" - Comeback with honesty: "I hated running when I started too. Just like anything good in life, it just takes a bit for your body to get use to it".

  • "You run every day, don't you think you're obsessed?" - Comeback with heart: "It makes me happy and I like to do things that make me happy every day, because I deserve it".

  • "Does your doctor know you're running?" (this was actually said to me when I was a pregnant) - Quick comeback: "Yes, are you a doctor?"

  • "All you talk about is running. Do you do talk about anything else?" - Comeback: "I'm sorry... are you still talking?"

Credits - would like to thank Running Evolution for the permission to reprint the article "Top 5 comebacks from negative comments about running" by Beth Baker. Running Evolution is a blog for those who are looking for runspiration. Beth Baker is the Chief Running Officer at Running Evolution and Coach Running Evolution. We coach new runners and other coaches to coach new runners.

Since September 7, 2007 - © Aerostato, Seattle - All Rights Reserved.

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