Where to run in Ferrara (Italy)
By Giorgio Salmi - My favourite course is 12k long and it is all on the famous Ferrara city wall. Start from the Campo Scuola (athletic track) and, after half kilometer, go uphill in front of the Bocciofila (lawn bowling association), pass near the Casa degli Angeli (Angel House, also known as the Casa del Boia, or House of the Executioner), turn right at the Montagnola and, after 2.7k from the start, arrive in front of Porta Mare. Cross the street, go uphill one more time on the walls, near the pharmacy, to arrive after 1.8k at the huge tree of the Montagnone. At this point, retrace your route and, in front of the Bocciofila, if you are tired you can go back to the Campo Scuola. The total lenght is 9k (GPS shows 9029 meters). If you are not tired, you can continue till you reach Porta Po and come back (9200 meters) to the Casa degli Angeli. From here you can continue to the Campo Scuola or along the walls, or again back to the Bocciofila. The total lenght is 12.1k and there are seven water fountains along the course. There are also endless variants, and distances vary. Many runners repeat the Porta Po to Porta Mare course (2960 meters one way) several times, especially in the summer, because it is always shaded; other instead continue for the second time to Porta Mare and come back to the Campo Scuola after having covered 15.2k total.
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