5kCalendar.com - A dedicated website listing a calendar of worldwide 5K running events.
John Bingham - Author, columnist, comic, and the spokesperson for the slow-running movement, John is known to his flock as "The Penguin" for his waddling pace and, for two decades, has encouraged runners of all shapes, sizes, and speeds to follow his example and change their lives for the better by taking up the sport.
Team Penguin - The Official site of the Penguin community, lead by John Bingham. His chronicles, books and ebooks have inspired hundreds of thousands of men and women to run for fun, fitness, and self-affirmation, and today there are thousands of Penguins worldwide.
Courage to start - Has the idea of running crossed your mind, but you haven't acted on it because you don't think you have the body of a runner? Have you thought about running but quit before you started because you knew that you would be breathless at the end of your driveway? Well, put aside those fears because you can do it.
Penguin brigade - Embrace the Penguin spirit and visit PenguinBrigade.com, the site dedicated to the thousands of runners and walkers that call themselves Penguins.