






Running Top 10

  Top 10 reasons to start running - Research over the past several years suggests that running is a great medicine for any ailment. But running is not only a medicine, is a way to set your self free, to enjoy nature and socialize with other runners. Here are the best reasons why you should start running.
 Top 10 most popular running shoe brands - Using Google's Keyword Tool to look at the approximate number of monthly searches, here are the top ten most popular running shoe brands.
 Top 10 running shoe myths - Beware of the "dumb running shoe myth" syndrome, a collection of widely held beliefs that are at best half-truths or, more often, just totally bogus notions. Not running magazines, mind you, but rather that tacky newsstand pulp with model-laden covers that boldly promise to help you look better, feel better and, of course, have a better sex life.
 Top 10 excuses for not running - Someone once said "The miracle isn't that I finished, the miracle is that I had the courage to start". From "My dog did not want to go out today" to "I could not find my running shoes" here are the top ten best (worst?) excuses to skip running.
 Top 10 songs to keep you running - Sometimes it is hard to get motivated to run or keep plowing through a run, however, the right playlist can keep you going and keep you focused during your run. If you are looking for a fun playlist that will surely keep your legs in gear while running, look no further! These upbeat songs will keep your feet and heart pounding.
 Top 10 embarassing running problems - Running is good for you, fact. However, all runners will know that there is a dark side to running. Oh yes. A leaky bladder, runner's trots and bloody nipples are all things to expect when you start pounding the pavements regularly. Here we list the Top 10 embarrassing runner's problems.
  Top 10 injury prevention tips - Common distance runners injuries may include shin splints, stress fractures, patellofemoral knee pain, plantar fasciitis and soft tissue tears. Here are a few basic tips that may help prevent injuries occurring in the first place.

Since September 7, 2007 - © Aerostato, Seattle - All Rights Reserved.

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