Best dogs for runners - Find out which purebred dog breeds are considered excellent for jogging. Even little dogs can be great joggers and there are many, many mixed breeds and hybrid types that would be excellent for running with you.
Ultrarunning with your dog - Many runners run with their dog, however some precautions need to be taken when participating to ultramarathons. Here are some helpful suggestions to bring your dog running long distances along with you.
Ten reasons to buy a dog backpack - A dog backpack is worth buying and there are plenty of other brands out there to choose from. Here are 10 reasons why runners should buy a backpack for their dog.
Hiking with your dog - With dogs becoming more like family members these days, it is not surprising that people want to include them in outdoor activities. And although it is not always a good idea to mix pets and wilderness, it might be possible to take Fido along if you follow some simple precautions. Here are the basics to ensure a safe and happy time for both you and your dog.