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Where to run in the world  > Europe  > Germany  > Frankfurt


Eiserner Steg, an old iron footbridge immortalized in the Expressionist painting by Max Beckmann, is a good place to start and finish your run. It is located on the river just south of the Römer Town Hall and the Museum of History. Begin this high-octane workout, which features your choice of 5 or 10 kilometers wooded trails, on the south side, opposite the footbridge, and run up the narrow Schulstrasse alley to Affentorplatz, where you will see classical-style guardhouses dating from 1810. On the left are several renowned cider taverns. Turn right onto Darmstädter Landstrasse and head for the huge brewery tower on the hill directly ahead. At the main cross roads with Mörfelder Landstrasse, bear left and run up the steep Hainer Weg. When it ends, pass the bus stop and then take a left at Babenhäuser Landstrasse into the woods and communal gardens. Take the middle trail, marked "Zum Goetheturm". Turn right at the house number 20. You are now on the marked 5 and 10 kilometers woodland trail. The orange and white signposts mark the 5 kilometers route. The blue and white posts mark the 10 kilometers, which takes you past the Goethe tower and its unparalleled view of the city's skyline and the mountain range beyond. Both trails end back at the bus stop.

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